MLQ Special Issue on
Computability and Complexity in Analysis

Dedicated to Klaus Weihrauch's 60th Birthday

Call for papers

Following the International Conference on

Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2003),

Cincinnati, USA, August 28-30, 2003, it is planned to publish a special issue of the journal

Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ).

This issue is supposed to contain papers related to the conference but it is also open to other submissions which meet the standards of MLQ and the scope of CCA.

The whole special issue will be dedicated to Klaus Weihrauch's 60th birthday which has been celebrated at CCA 2003.


Computability theory and complexity theory are two central areas of research in mathematical logic and theoretical computer science. Computability theory is the study of the limitations and abilities of computers in principle. Computational complexity theory provides a framework for understanding the cost of solving computational problems, as measured by the required amount of resources such as time and space. The classical approach in these areas is to consider algorithms as operating on finite strings of symbols from a finite alphabet. Such strings may represent various discrete objects such as integers or algebraic expressions, but cannot represent a general real or complex number, unless it is rounded.

The classical theory of computation does not deal adequately with computations that operate on real-valued data. Most computational problems in the physical sciences and engineering are of this type, such as the complexity of network flow problems and of dynamical and hybrid systems. To study these types of problems, alternative models over real-valued data and other continuous structures have been developed in recent years. Unlike the well established classical theory of computation over discrete structures, the theory of computation over continuous data is still in its infancy.

The topics of interest include foundational work on various models and approaches for describing computability and complexity over the real numbers; complexity-theoretic investigations, both foundational and with respect to concrete problems. We hope to gain new insights into computability-theoretic aspects of various computational questions from physics and from other fields involving computations over the real numbers. This will require the extension of existing computability notions to more general classes of objects.

Guest Editors

Vasco Brattka (Hagen)
Peter Hertling (Duisburg)
Ker-I Ko (Stony Brook)
Ning Zhong (Cincinnati)


Authors are invited to submit PostScript versions of papers to:

Submission deadline: December 1, 2003
Notification: March 1, 2004
Camera-ready versions: April 30, 2004

Papers have to be prepared using LaTeX2e and the MLQ style files which are available for download:


For further information, please contact Vasco Brattka:

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