Registration for the Colloquium Logicum 2014

  • The following fees apply for participants of CL 2014:

    CL 2014 Fees
    Regular participant 40 Euro
    PhD/MSc/BSc Student 20 Euro
    Invited speaker/PhD Colloquium Speaker/Organizer no fee

  • The fee has to be paid in cash at the conference side.

  • There will be no formal colloquium dinner, but we plan to visit Sankt Emmerans Mühle (a tranditonal Bavarian beer garden) on Friday afternoon; all participants have to pay on their own account (please declare your interest to participate in this dinner on the form!).

  • Invited speakers and PhD colloquium speakers: please provide a title of your talk and a brief text abstract via the form item "Comments"!

  • If you submit the form below, then you agree with the above fees:

    CL 2014 Registration Form
    First Name *
    Last Name *
    Institution or University
    Address Line 1
    Address Line 2
    Address Line 3
    Postal Code
    Email Address *
    Web Page
    Work Phone Number
    Cell Number (during your trip)
    Fax Number
    Date of Arrival
    Date of Departure
    Conference Dinner (on Friday night) I am potentially interested
    Dietary Requirements
    Participation Type
    * indicates required fields