Sixth International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2011)

January 31-February 4, 2011, Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town

The conference will be co-located with the Eighth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2011).


The conference, also known as conference on Logic, Computability and Randomness, will be in the tradition of the previous meetings in Cape Town is very beautiful at this time of the year, and we expect another equally successful conference!


Invited Speakers

Scientific Programme Committee

Organizing Committee


Authors are invited to submit a PDF abstract (typically 1-2 pages) via the following web page:

No full papers will be required for this conference.


Submission deadline: October 15, 2010
Notification of authors: October 30, 2010
Early registration: December 15, 2010
Final version: November 22, 2010


No proceedings will be published before the conference. A booklet with abstracts will be made available at the conference. It is planned to publish post-conference proceedings in a special issue of some journal afterwards. This special issue will be refereed according to the usual journal standard. More information will be published here as soon as available.

Schedule, Venue, Accommodation, Traveling, Sightseeing, Funding & Registration

It is intended to have a pre-conference sightseeing programme on January 30 and a post-conference sightseeing programme on February 5, provided sufficiently many participants sign up for this. Further information on the page above.

CCR Steering Committee

Verónica Becher (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Laurent Bienvenu (Paris, France), Rod Downey, chair (Wellington, New Zealand), Denis Hirschfeldt (Chicago, USA), Elvira Mayordomo (Zaragoza, Spain), Wolfgang Merkle (Heidelberg, Germany), Nikolai K. Vereshchagin (Moscow, Russia), Liang Yu (Nanjing, China).

Further Information

For further information, please contact