Workshop on Computability and Complexity in Analysis

August 19-20, 1995 FernUniversität Hagen, Germany

Topics (not exclusive):


Ker-I Ko                           Klaus Weihrauch  
Department of Computer Science     Theoretische Informatik I 
State University of New York       FernUniversität  
Stony Brook, NY 11794, U.S.A.      D-58084 Hagen, Germany

tel: (516)632-8460                 tel: +49-2331-987 2722
fax: (516)632-8334                 fax: +49-2331-987 313
email: [email removed]             email(workshop): [email removed]

Call for Papers

ASCII version
PostScript version [removed]

Workshop Information

ASCII Version


ASCII version (including photos)
PostScript version [removed]


ASCII version
PostScript version (64 KB)


Contents and order information


Registration form

Hagen Information

Hotel list (223 KB)
Map of Hagen (316 KB)
Map of the center of Hagen (419 KB)
Locations of the university (the workshop takes place at location 5)
WWW home page of the university

Traveling Information

German railway timetables and information (via University of Karlsruhe)
Map of germany with WWW servers (via München)

Previous Update: December 11, 1995
Vasco Brattka, [email removed]